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Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

Thoughts of a desperate

Das hier sollte eigentlich sowas wie eine Prosa werden ist dann aber sowas wie ein Essay geworden. Es handelt davon was mir so in den letzten Wochen passiert ist, ist also sehr persönlich. Ich habe das in Englisch geschrieben weil ich ehrlich gesagt Gefühle besser in Englisch rüberbringen kann. Es ist gegliedert in 2 Teile:
1. Teil: Gedanken eines Verzweifelten
2. Teil: Gedanken eines Liebenden
Es ist eine lose Aneinanderreihung meiner Gedanken deshalb kann es sein das die thematischen Sprünge sehr groß werden können. und die Teile ineinander fließen können.
Wenn ihr mehr davon haben wollt könntet ihr das freundlicherweise in die Kommentare schreiben.
You've got it that all my systems blown away.
You've started a revolution. 
I started to think about all things belongs to sexuality and all these things and this was the beginning of a huge change.
You lead me in a new age.
When I think about you I see the most important person in my life. I see the person with that I want to spend the rest of my life.
But you doesn't want spend it with me. I have accept that, but I want to stay as a friend of you.
Maybe as you're best friend.
But I don't want to live without you and if I had to stay as a friend it would be OK.
Please don't let me alone. 
I would you never let alone if you don't want it..
You couldn't imagine how I miss you
You're my Rachel Dawes...
Ever loved, never got.
I'm afraid about the idea you ca leave me
I couldn't and  I wouldn't Live without you.
I can't sleep, I can't live with the thought that  you not stay behind me anymore
I'm not angry, I'm still crying quiet
You want to know why?
Maybe because all the things I'm waiting for I never get.....
Destiny will have a better one.
Not me, another one
but please don't let me alone
you're the one and only which keeps me alive.
I'm waiting here when you need me.
As a friend
maybe as youre best friend
Maybe as a boyfriend
As this kind of person which you need me....
He has thrown me as he doesn't need me anymore, like you he has thrown away you...
Like a piece of dirt...